Do you have hardwood floors?
If you have hardwood floors you already know that they require exceptional attention to take care of. When a flood occurs in your home or business most people tend to believe that you MUST tear them out and replace them. However, if we are called to a flooded home with hardwood floors we are usually able to save your floor (if buckling has not occurred). The equipment that we use is called an Injectidry System. Insurance companies like this equipment as it saves them many dollars when their insured has a flood and homeowners like it because they don’t lose their flooring.
How does the Injectidry System work?
You can see in the pictures below that the Injectidry mats are placed on top of the hardwood floor surface. We will make sure that there is an air tight seal around the edges to ensure proper drying. The small yellow hoses are then attached between the panel and the large suction line. The suction line is then connected to the Injectidry System so that suction will be created underneath the panels. This suction will create air travel between any sub-floor and the hardwood floor through the grooves between the boards. It will bring out any / all moisture present in the wood. We will place dehumidifiers in the room as well to help pull out any extra moisture missed.
You do not want to delay when any flood occurs in your home. Quick response is critical, especially if you have hardwood floors. So, if you have a home with hardwood floors let us work our magic with this system to lower the loss of your home. Call Trademark Restoration Services immediately at 702-749-9999.