Water damage can be extremely costly. What starts as a small leak from your master shower stall can turn into tens of thousands of dollars of damage from mold or a collapsed ceiling.
If this has happened to you here in Las Vegas, call our water damage restoration service.
(702) 749-9999
Water Damage Prevention Tips
As a homeowner, you’ll want to take the following five water damage prevention tips seriously. It could save you both money and a lot of inconvenience.
Examine Ceilings and Walls for Signs of Leaks
It’s easy to get so busy with everyday life that you don’t notice the water stain slowly creeping across your kitchen ceiling, but that water mark is an important indicator that something is leaking. Make note of the location and then check the upper floor or attic of your home, paying special attention to:
- Cracks in or around tubs or shower stalls
- Loose or old caulk that pulls up from the seams it should be protecting inside shower stalls
- Leaking toilets
- AC lines that collect and drip condensation
- Improper flashing on your roof around vents or fans
It’s important to find and resolve the source of the leak quickly to minimize damage.
Related: Top 5 Surprisingly Common Unnecessary Causes of Water Damage
Keep an Eye on Your Water Bill
Leaks are not always obvious; they often occur in hidden places like under slab or in walls. A water bill spike can be the only indicator you see that alerts you to the existence of a leak.
To determine if a spike in your water bill is caused by a leak or something else, take the following steps:
- Check with family members about water usage. Did anyone leave the sprinkler on for an entire day and just not fess up yet?
- Locate your water meter, which is usually by the curb in a compartment marked “water” or with the letter “W.” Turn off all the water in the house and then check the water meter dial. If the dial is still turning when no water is being used, you might have a broken water meter on your hands, but most likely, you have a leak.
- Call in the utility company. The utility company will let you know if the problem is a leak or if the problem is the water meter. If the water meter is broken, the utility company will fix it.
- If it’s not the water meter, you have a leak. Call in a plumber with state-of-the-art leak detection equipment so they can locate and fix the leak.
Related: 5 Water Damage Claim Tips: How to Avoid Getting Your Coverage Denied
Install Leak Detection Equipment
In many cases, water damage can be prevented if appliance malfunctions are caught early on. Install leak detection equipment, such as Water Cops, which will sense water in places it should not be and alert you to the problem before there’s a flood. This is a cost-efficient way to protect your appliances, especially your water heater, AC, and washing machine.
Know Where Your Water Main Shut Off Valve Is
In case of an emergency, you need to get your water main shut off quickly to limit the amount of water pouring into your home. In most cases, your water main shut off valve is in the garage. Locate it, test it to make sure it is not rusted into position, and then teach everyone in your home how to operate it.
Related: 4 Steps to Take When You Have a Burst Water Pipe
Place Pans Underneath Appliances
Washing machine hoses often wear out long before the washing machine needs any other repairs, making the hoses a prime suspect for leak problems. A ruptured or cracked dishwasher, AC, or washing machine hose can cause major water damage. Protect yourself by placing deep pans underneath appliances so they can capture any water from a leaky hose.